With a background in surgery Graham Fry had an initial trip to Zaire in 1975 and then moved there with his family in 1982 for 4 years. Subsequently he moved back to Ireland for the children’s education and re-commenced his surgical practice. However, as many within BGTHA will understand, the pull of working in a rural African setting proved too strong and in 1988 he moved out of surgery and started the first dedicated tropical and travel medicine practice in Dublin. That initial standalone practice has grown and now he is the medical director of the Tropical Medical Bureau clinics around Ireland. Regular trips back to assist with the running of the medical and surgical work in the Katanga Province of DR Congo has provided an ideal work / life balance. Since the early 1990’s the ability to harness the advantages of using electronic records and global information into clinic practice has provided the opportunity to co-ordinate the practice of travel medicine throughout the 20 clinics within the TMB group.