Dr Julie.M.C.Gallagher – MB ChB, BSc Med. Sci., MRCGP, MFTM RCPS ( Glasgow), DRCOG
Julie is a GP Partner at Leith Mount Surgery , a busy teaching practice in Edinburgh. She has had a keen interest in travel and travel medicine for many years.
Julie has broad ‘In the field ‘ travel medicine experience having worked as a doctor for a variety of charities taking groups to rural Africa and India on community development projects and charity treks. She helped establish the ‘Adventure and Tourism Travel Health Clinic ’ in 2002 in Edinburgh, which she continues to run along with her colleague Sr. Maggie Romanas.
Julie has lectured on travel related topics at St. Andrew’s University and the Diploma of Travel Medicine Course [Glasgow]. She is one of the Founding directors of ARC ‘The Alliance for Rabies Control’ which aims to alleviate the burden of rabies in the developing world. The Alliance was founded in 2006 and works closely with the W.H.O and C.D.C in the fight against rabies. She is the Primary Care representative on the Rabies Advisory Group for Scotland.
Julie serves on both the Publications and Research sub committees, and is Editor of the BTHA quarterly newsletter Travel Wise. Julie is Chairman of the BTHA and is also Deputy Treasurer for the Association.
She takes great enjoyment in hill walking, painting, practising yoga, sailing and most of all exploring the world at large with her enthusiastic husband Richard.