The SiG has been developed to highlight and develop the subject of expedition and wilderness medicine within the specialty of travel medicine. The group is an informal coming together of like-minded indiviuals. Its objectives are:

  • To promote expedition and wilderness medicine within the speciality of travel medicine
  • To act as a point of contact for those seeking informtion on expedition and wilderness medicine
  • To act as a forum for discussion
  • To stimulate, support and encourage research

Membership of the SiG is conditional on membership of BGTHA and is open to all BGTHA members. SiG members will be able to:

  • Access the dedicated SiG webpage with links to organisations and training courses relevant to Expedition and Wilderness medicne
  • Contribute to the twice yearly BGTHA Journal which will have a dedicated SiG section
  • Contribute to the BGTHA’s quarterly newsletter Travelwise
  • Contribute to the BGTHA annual conference
  • Contributions to the BGTHA publications may be in the form of case studies, letters, reflections, updates, points of interest or research papers. They may be submitted by email for consideration by the Publications Subcommittee.

Click here for information on membership fees and how to join BGTHA.

The new BSI Standard 8848 on adventure travel outside the UK is being revised. To comment on the new draft go to the SiG page in the members section and follow the link.