Guidance for those travelling abroad

UK reciprocal healthcare agreements with non-EU countries

Visiting friends and relatives abroad: health advice

And Leaflet:


Mosquito bite avoidance




Medscape- Mosquito-Borne Viral Diseases: Advice for Travelers to Endemic Areas

Medscape – The Many Faces of Dengue: Serotypes, Vaccine Coverage, and Serotesting for Optimal Patient Selection


UK Health Security Agency: Vaccine incident guidance: responding to vaccine errors

UK Health Security Agency: Immunisation

UK Health Security Agency: Immunisation against infectious disease (The Green Book)

UK Health Security Agency: Complete routine immunisation schedule

UK Health Security Agency:Vaccination of individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunisation status

Oxford Vaccine Group: Vaccine Knowledge Project

British Medical Association: Travel Vaccinations

RCN – Immunisation Knowledge and Skills Competence Assessment Tool


Tick awareness and the Tick Surveillance Scheme

UKHSA Staying Safe During Summer


WHO 2022 Malaria Guidelines – These guidelines provide recommendations for malaria, including prevention using vector control, preventive chemotherapy and vaccination, diagnosis, treatment and elimination strategies.

ACMP: Guidelines for malaria prevention in travellers from the UK 2021

UK Health Security Agency: Malaria Reference Laboratory


UK Health Security Agency: Rabies: risk assessment, post-exposure treatment, management

Public Health England: Vaccine Update: Rabies special edition

Lyme Disease

Tick bite risks and prevention of Lyme disease: resources

Medicine Management

Electronic Medicines Compendium

British National Formulary

Care Quality Commission: GP mythbuster 19: Patient Group Directions (PGDs)/Patient Specific Directions (PSDs)

Associations & Societies

Global Alliance for Rabies Control

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgo (RCPSG): Faculty of Travel Medicine (RCPSG)

The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

The International Society of Travel Medicine

Royal Geographical Society

Royal College of Nursing

Royal College of General Practitioners

Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Scientific Exploration Society

World Health Organization

International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers

Travel Medicine Society of Ireland

Travel Medicine Alliance

Travel health information sources


NaTHNaC:  National Travel Health Network and Centre

Fit For Travel (for travellers)

Civil Aviation Authority: Assessing Fitness to Fly

Disease Outbreaks and Surveillance

World Health Organization: The Weekly Epidemiological Record

World Health Organization: Disease Outbreak News

ISID: ProMed Mail

Expedition Medicine

World Extreme Medicine

Wilderness Medical Society

International Society for Mountain Medicine

UK Mountain Medicine Society

British Mountaineering Council

Travel Advisories and Consular Services

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Travel Advice

UK Government: Travel Aware

Travel Health Publications

World Health Organization: Countries with risk of yellow fever transmission and countries requiring yellow fever vaccination (May 2021)

World Health Organization: Vaccination requirements and recommendations for international travellers; and malaria situation per country – 2021 edition

World Health Organization: International Travel & Health

Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC): Travelers’ Health


Malaria Journal

Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC): Emerging Infectious Diseases

Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC): Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

UK Government Health Sites
Health Protection Scotland

Department of Health

Health in Wales

Public Health Agency Northern Ireland

UK Health Security Agency

Other Government Health Sites

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (USA)

Vaccine Manufacturers
GSK Vaccines

Sanofi Vaccines


Mental Health and Travel

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Travel and mental health

Travel insurance

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Foreign travel insurance

Association of British Insurers: Travel Insurance

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