We are always looking for new sources of material for our twice-yearly Journal and our quarter publication “Travelwise”. You do not need to be a member to submit an article or research paper. We are particularly keen on helping those who have not published previously. Whether you are a doctor, a nurse or a pharmacist with knowledge or experience you would like to share or a student with an interesting assignment you have done, please get in contact
Author guidelines
The British Global and Travel Health Journal will consider for publication any material that covers either issues of Global Health or those related to the practice of Travel Medicine.
How to Submit
All material should be submitted directly to our editor Larry Goodyer via the form below.
Material should be identified by authors as:
- Original article with an abstract of not more than 300 words. These are usually items of primary research. Maximum 2,000 words of text not including references and abstract.
- Brief Communication or letter to the editor m aximum 1,000 words
- Review with an abstract of not more than 300 words. Maximum 2,000 words of text not including references and abstract.
N B Student Review – We will also consider student reviews where the subject matter is relevant and relates to a student assignment from a UK University
- Case history . maximum 1,000 words describing a clinical case relating to travel medicine
- In country report maximum 2.500 words. This describes local health issues in any country and can include descriptions of personal experience, projects, reports from an NGO etc
Layout for all Submissions
- Microsoft Word document
- Full author name(s), citation with highest degree only, Contact address and email of primary author
- Pictures as separate files ideally a JPEG
- Reference list
- Times New Roman, 12 pt, on A4 double space throughout
Cited by number in the text, in the order of their occurrence in the manuscript.
List all authors when there are four or fewer; otherwise, list the first three followed by “et al.” References to journals should include (in this order) authors’ names with initials, article title, journal name year, volume number, and inclusive page numbers. E.g
Goodyer LI Song J. Mosquito bite avoidance attitudes and behaviours on travellers at risk of malaria. Journal of Travel Medicine 2014: 21:33 – 39
References to books should include (in this order) authors’ names with initials, chapter title, editors’ name and initials, book title and edition, city, publisher, year of publication,
Goodyer LI Travel Medical Kits in Keystone J, Freedman D, Kozarsky P, Connor B and Northdurft H. Travel Medicine, 3 rd Ed.. Elsevier Suanders 2012
Manuscripts will be reviewed by the editor and sent to at least one outside reviewers. All manuscripts are subject to editing before publication.
Acknowledgement of the BGTHA Journal
Authors who wish to republish any manuscript printed in the BGTHA journal should advise us of their intension and cite the Journal as first publishers.